October 2014
- UC Berkeley opened the PATH to Care Center (PTC) with Mari Knuth-Bouracee as the Center’s first advocate. She would go on to become the Center’s first director.
- PTC is involved with Bear Pact for the first time, educating all incoming first-year and transfer undergraduate students about sexual violence prevention.
- Due to immediate and overwhelming demand for services, the ASUC and GA passed the Wellness Initiative Fee Referendum: a commitment of student fees funding several initiatives and supporting rapid growth.
- PTC hired two Confidential Advocates and an Assistant Director for Prevention.
- Sexual violence prevention education was included for the first time in graduate student orientation.
- PTC moved from its one-room office into a new space that included two counseling rooms for client meetings, crucial for confidentiality.
- The US Office on Women’s Health awarded the University a grant, with PTC as the lead department, to support students’ increasing needs for services.
- PTC added an Assistant Director for Survivor Support, a Program Analyst, the first MSW intern, and two Prevention Program Managers – one of which was focused on graduate and professional students.
- The peer education program launched, which began with the hiring of 11 undergraduate students to lead workshops with their peers.
- The Social Norms Seed Grants Initiative launched, providing money and technical assistance to campus teams to develop social marketing campaigns preventing SVSH.
- PTC launched the Care Line – a 24/7 crisis number for the campus community.
- The Well was established, a Black healing space co-led by a Center advocate.
- PTC collaborated with LEAD Center to implement required SVSH training for Registered Student Organizations (RSOs.)
- Videos highlighting survivor support and prevention services were shown to over 15,000 students, faculty and staff (and continue to be shown each year).
- Yoga As Healing groups launched and have remained very popular.
- The first Graduate Student Researcher was hired.
- Office on Violence Against Women awarded the University a grant, with PTC as the lead department.
- PTC was also awarded a multi-year Office on Women’s Health grant to enhance prevention efforts from Futures Without Violence.
- PTC joined New Student Services to support the launch of Golden Bear Orientation.
- The Academic Department Toolkit was piloted: a resource to identify opportunities in policies, practices, communications, events, programs, and mentorship resulting in a comprehensive plan to prevent sexual harassment. It has since been implemented each year by various departments.
- The position of Prevention Manager for Staff and Faculty was created, possibly the first on any campus, to work with administrative and academic department employees and leaders.
- The first campus-wide survey on SVSH was launched in 2018 by the Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor on SVSH, the MyVoice Working Group, and PTC.
- The healing garden opened and the first QTPOC healing series launched for survivors who hold marginalized identities.
- PTC presented at NASPA Strategies conference and have presented multiple times since.
- PTC partners with Cal Dining to train all 400 student dining staff.
- Sound healing and forest therapy sessions were first introduced with Joy Evans, MSW
- Prevention and response training was initiated for new Deans and Chairs.
- The #WeCARE campaign launched, using data from the MyVoice survey, and has been updated each year since.
- PTC presented at the National Academies of Science, Engineering, & Medicine (NASEM) Action Collaborative Public Summit, and has joined the Collaborative and presented multiple times since.
- PTC presented at Shifting the Lens, the CA Partnership to End Domestic Violence annual conference, and have presented multiple workshops and keynotes since.
- Manager’s Playbook was piloted: a program for supervisors to facilitate ongoing 15-minute conversations about prevention of sexual harassment with their unit.
- T.R.A.I.L. Certificate launched: a leadership opportunity for the entire campus to gain skills on preventing and responding to violence.
- THRIVE was the first employee healing series, held during the summer of 2020.
- The Undergraduate Student Organization Toolkit was developed by PTC Peer Coordinators to consult on structural change in student organizations.
- PTC joined campus partners to form a Hazing Prevention Workgroup.
- PTC held the first Sexual Assault Awareness Month / Sexual Violence Prevention Month brown bag discussion lunch.
- The Field Safety & Prevention Guide was published for graduate students, faculty, and field site coordinators of research/internships in off-campus locations to plan for prevention of sexual harassment and violence, stalking, and protection against retaliation for reporting.
- The Field Equity QuickGuide was released as a tailored, co-branded supplement to the Field Safety & Prevention Guide for specific research teams.
- PTC joined UC Librarians to present on research about sexual harassment in the UC Libraries.
The PATH to Care Center continues to expand its capacity, services, and outreach to underserved campus communities.